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Q&A concerning product
Classification Question Answer
AT/ATX Power Supply What is the difference between ATX and AT power supply? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply What am I supposed to do when DC output does not come out after AC input is turned on? (How to specify the cause) The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply How can I control ON/OFF function of AT power supply? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply How can I start up PC automatically at the same time when AC is turned on? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply How can I connect ATX to AT conversion connector? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply What do colors of output harness mean? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply What is the difference between Rated current and Max. current? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply What is Min. current? The answer is here
AT/ATX Power Supply Why does fan operate despite the fact that PC has not started up? The answer is here
Interface Does the power supply start up when AC is turned on even when battery voltage is zero (under the condition that the battery is not connected, or discharged)? The answer is here
Interface What if SHUT DOWN signal comes to "LOW" while AC is on? The answer is here
Interface Could you explain about interface condition, or interface condition of RS232C signal, for Nonstop power supply? The answer is here
Interface Could you explain about connection cable between PC and Nonstop power supply? The answer is here
Interface Why is SG* not connected to RS232c connector on NSP side? The answer is here
Interface How long should SHUT DOWN signal last? The answer is here
Interface What type of USB unit connector is? The answer is here
Discharge and charge When blackout occurs, does switching time (instantaneous blackout) from AC operation to battery operation occur? The answer is here
Discharge and charge Is there any problem when I use charging terminal for another purpose other than charging? The answer is here
Uninterruptible power supply Which installation direction of battery package is required? The answer is here
Uninterruptible power supply How long does it take to fully charge battery? The answer is here
Uninterruptible power supply Is there any possibility of overheat or explosion of battery? The answer is here
Uninterruptible power supply Can Nonstop power supply be controlled by Windows Vista/7? The answer is here
On shut down Can Nonstop power supply be controlled by Windows 10? The answer is here