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We kindly ask our customers to complete 2 steps written below, to proceed with the downloading NSP Pro2.
Step1: Read the "Terms Of Service" below
Step2: Fill in the form including the serial No. of the power supply you purchased.
→ Download NSP Pro2
Terms Of Service
This terms of service, (hereafter the TOS) is for to use NSP Pro2 download version (hereafter the Software) provided from Nipron Co., Ltd (hereafter Nipron).We kindly ask our customers to read all articles of the TOS and approve before use the Software.
Clicking below "Agree" button represents your agreement to be bound by the TOS.
If you do not agree to the TOS, you are not authorized to download and use the Software.

▪Attribution of Rights

All rights of the Software including copyright are property of Nipron.
Users are allowed to use the Software and not allowed to copy, reproduce, hand over or in any other way give information on them to a third party.

▪Application of the TOS

The TOS will be effective at the point of clicking the "Agree" button.

▪Use of the Software

Users can install the Software for personal or job-related use of Nipron "Non stop power supply" embedded PC.

▪Software modification

It is not allowed to analyze or modify the Software without the consent of Nipron.


Safety and certainty are not ensured by the TOS.
It is not ensured to operate user's environment even it meets all necessary conditions of use.

▪Changes of the specification or update of the Software

1) The specification of the Software, or manual may be changed without prior notice for improvement.
2) Please update to the latest version immediately when it becomes available.
functions cannot be used without updating the Software.
3) The TOS will be applied to the latest version of the Software provided from Nipron unless otherwise specified.

▪Suspension of the Software use / damages

In cases when user(s) has violated the TOS, Nipron can demand a suspension of the Software use, and users immediately cease using the software.
Also, in case of Nipron sustains damages from the violation, Nipron can ask for compensation from the user(s).

▪Suspension of the service

1) Download service may be suspended without prior notice due to carious reasons.
2) Nipron shall not be responsible for any loss, damages, costs or expenses, which may be incurred by the users by suspension of the service.

▪Prohibition of sale / serve of the Software out to third party

It is prohibited for user(s) to sell or serve the Software out to third party.
*Except for user(s) belong to the same company

▪Exemption Clause

1) It is assumed that Nipron has no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect damage, or loss caused by use of the Software or by the defect of the Software.
2) It is assumed that Nipron has no responsibility for the quality, performance, or compatibility for the particular purpose of the Software.
3) It is assumed that Nipron has no obligation of permanent updating of the Software, or correcting minor bugs.

▪Revision of the TOS

1) The TOS can be revised at any time without prior notice, nor acceptance.
It is assumed that user(s) accepted the revision of the TOS at the point of it is released on Nipron's web site.
2) Even article(s) become void by law, the TOS except for article(s) become void will be effective and continued.

Even article(s) become void by law, the TOS except for article(s) become void will be effective and continued.

▪Governing law and court of jurisdiction

The TOS is governed in all respects by the substantive laws of Japan, and the Osaka District Court
shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first hearing for any and all disputes arising from the TOS.

Copyright 2005 Nipron Co.,Ltd.all rights reserved